Wednesday, 22 July 2020

good hygiene habits

In class, we have been learning good hygiene habits enjoy

Monday, 20 July 2020

weekend story

On my 2 weeks  sometimes i went skids the holiday program and sometimes i would play fortnite and go shopping with my dad buying clothes,shoes,and hats.After picking and shopping for some stuff me and my dad would either eat  Mcdonalds or superwork for dinner yesterday me and my dad went to the city to buy some donuts and me and my dad also went to the movies.After the movies me and my dad headed back to G.I and we went to bed.Next morning I woke up and had breakfast then got changed.After I got changed then  I went to the car and waited for my dad.Then my dad came and we went to rewa and we just drove around
And we drove to maniko then we went into the mall and me and my dad just started to look around.After me and my dad is done with all of our stuff we go back home or eat dinner.